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A life at stake, try the new BitLife simulator now

Live the life you have always wanted with BitLife , a simulator that is as fun as it is original. Download it now on Android.
Talking about life simulators makes us automatically think of the Sims , the quintessential people manager. That does not mean that there are no alternatives, some as good as BitLife . This crazy game, which has nothing to do in terms of graphics with the aforementioned Sims, proposes managing a person's life based on specific choices. And it's already on Android.

BitLife is a 2009 game that became very popular last year on iOS. We had a pending version for Android since December, and it is officially in the Google Play Store . The game is free, keeps all the original essence and, unfortunately, at the moment it is in English .
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Choose what you study, how you live, your sexuality ... With BitLife you can reinvent your life however you want

This simulator we are talking about moves away from complex graphic environments to offer a text-based approach with different options to choose from . At the beginning, life will take place like surveys. And when you enter adolescence the options will expand almost to infinity.

BitLife is a much more complex simulator than it seems. Although it gives the impression of being simple and random, the truth is that it is not like that: the game makes us see the importance of each choice. Study more and you will have a better future; Avoid going to college and you will earn money soon, but debt will surely suffocate you. Buy a flat, have a child ...? Everything is reflected in the game.

You have to have a certain level of English since it is mandatory to understand what is being asked, also all the progress that is reflected on the main screen. And it is that at the beginning of the game we will have a baby in our hands; that will add skills while also adding years : just hit the "+" in green.

Slope Game engages more than you imagine: once you are immersed in the whirlwind of decisions, you will want to carry on with the life that you have at your mercy. It is like a kind of super complex Tamagotchi and without that of the animal moving on the screen, like life itself taken to a conversational adventure . The latter is the best definition.Choose what you study, how you live, your sexuality ... With BitLife you can reinvent your life however you want