Congrats !

Behshad, I would like to... Congrats Behshou ! It has been a pleasure to meet you and share the office for more than two years. You completed this PhD like no other so be proud ! You deserve the best for the future.
Now, it is time to party, take some rest, and be ready for the next big step in Orléans (I mean... being okay with the idea to go to Orléans is already a big step...).
And I will finish with the words of the smartest guy in the universe "IiiiI Caaaan't PoOp in StrAnge PlaAaaceEes "
And I am Arnaud
CongratS (Your messages for Behshad - Vos messages pour Behshad)
créée le 09.09.2020 à 12:24