Ceci est une version archivée de PagePrincipale à 2020-09-17 23:46:05

Hello to all,

It's Behshad's turn to finish his phD with a semi-dematerialized defense on Thursday, September 17th at 2pm.
As is the tradition, we have planned to offer him gifts after the defense to congratulate him. However, the situation being as it is, we cannot organize a pot in the laboratory and to give the presents all togather. Thus, if you want to participate to the online thesis pot, you can do so by following the information presented below. In addition, if you want to participate financially to his collective gift , leave a note, send photos ... you are at the right place!

Here is the program for September 17:

  • 2 pm (France Time): Behshad phD defense : for the moment and according to the current instructions, only a limited number of people will be able to be present in the defense room. In order to follow the presentation from distance, we propose 2 options:
  • From 6:30 pm (France Time): Online Pot via the link : https://meet.google.com/xtp-gceg-nnn

For your participations:

Thank you all in advance for your contributions, your ideas, your words, and your testimonials...!
Good week to all, and see you soon