Proud of you!

Behshad, I would like to... It is with a tremendous sense of joy and pride that I am writing this note to congratulate you on your successful defense and the completion of your PhD studies. I could not possibly feel more proud than I am of you today for what you have accomplished. While this is only the beginning of a prosperous journey for you, it is known to everybody that you have already done an outstanding job getting where you are now. Of all who know and love you, I probably know best what a talented individual you are; and I can tell you with confidence that a bright future awaits you.

I wish you all the best in your career and your life.

Your Oldest Friend,
And I am Behrad
ProudOfYou2 (Your messages for Behshad - Vos messages pour Behshad)
créée le 11.09.2020 à 22:30