To Mr. Behshad Koohbor, PhD

Behshad, I would like to... Dear Jenab Doctor Koohbor,

Omg! Just now, for the first time, I officially called you doctor! My friend, the day has come, congrats on your graduation! Although long before, you got your unofficial doctorate on the day you were driving a wheelbarrow in Sharif. Nevertheless, while the scientific commmunicity is celebrating this beautiful occasion, Mashtavian around the world are raising their glasses in the honor of your graduation, and are awaiting to shake your hand firmly! Until then that this’ll be possible, roozegarat por mame bad and enjoy your graduation!

Mashti hastid ghorban,
And I am Atabak Mehrdar
ToMrBehshadKoohborPhd (Your messages for Behshad - Vos messages pour Behshad)
créée le 13.09.2020 à 15:06