How to Change the Way You Think About Learning

  • There is a common saying that goes something like, “Change is good, but change can be scary.” It’s so true! Change in any form can feel uncomfortable and that’s why many of us choose to avoid it. Fortunately, there are many ways to make the transition from a closed mind to an open one. By adopting new habits, thinking differently about our learning needs, and taking action on what we know we need to do, we can become more positive about change and its benefits for our future selves. Learning requires adjustment—there’s no getting around that. But how can you manage the process better? By changing your own perspective.
  • Think of it this way: If you want to change the way you see things—from how difficult it is for you to learn something to how much value it has for your life—you must first change the way you look at things. Let’s take a look at some of the best ways to get started with this process:

Spend time learning for the sake of learning

When you learn for the sake of learning, you don’t care about the grade, the degree, the award, or any other outcome. You simply want to be curious, experience new things, and expand your horizons. If you approach learning this way, you’ll be more open to new possibilities and opportunities. You’ll be more confident in yourself as a learner, and you’ll know that you have the ability to figure things out. This doesn’t mean that you have to avoid grades and accountability. It just means that you don’t care about them so much. One of the best ways to spend time learning for the sake of learning is through internships.

If you have the opportunity to take an internship while you’re in school, you’re doing it right. If you don’t have the ability to take an internship, then take advantage of what you have access to while you’re in college. Every campus has a professional services center where you can apply to work with a local company or nonprofit. This kind of experience will teach you not only about how a company or organization operates, but also about how to work with people and solve problems.

Make learning a habit

When you make the shift from learning for the sake of learning to making learning a habit, you’re setting yourself up for success. You’ll begin to see that learning isn’t hard anymore and that you actually enjoy it! Learning doesn’t have to be confined to the classroom. You can make learning a habit by doing things like:

- Taking a class at a community college or online program that complements your major

- Taking a class on an area of personal interest

- Taking a class for the experience or to meet a new professor

- Taking a class that’s offered through a program offered by your school - Auditing classes you’ve taken before and enjoy

Take action on learning

When you take action on learning, you’re pushing yourself to make progress. You may be reading about the importance of action and how it is the secret to success, but it really is true. When you take action on learning, you are creating your future. You are choosing what you will have achieved by the time you are done with this path. Learning is full of opportunities to take action. When you do, you will find that you’re learning a lot more than you would have otherwise. Here are some ways to take action on learning:
- Apply to specific programs and scholarships that have specific themes related to your field - Look for opportunities to learn on campus or in your community

- Take a class that is offered through a program offered by your school

- Sign up for a course or a program that has a flexible schedule that works for you - Find an organization or cause that sparks your interest and take action on that, like volunteering or fundraising

Try something new and challenging

When you try something new and challenging, you’re being intentional with your learning. You’re forcing yourself to be creative, critical, and open-minded. You’re also taking responsibility for how you’re learning. This kind of learning will challenge you and stretch you in ways you’ve never been challenged before. It will also make you feel very vulnerable. But if you want to grow as a person, it’s important that you feel vulnerable. New opportunities to try something new and challenging may come up while you’re on your path to achieving your goals.

For example, you may be thinking about a new career path. Or, you may be thinking about a big life transition, like a new house or a wedding. New opportunities to try something new and challenging may also come up while you’re on your path to achieving your goals. For example, you may be thinking about a new direction in your career path. Or, you may be thinking about a different path you want to take in life, like retirement or a change in your home.

Be curious and flexible

Humans are curious by nature and we’re flexible. When you’re curious and flexible, you’re using these traits to their full potential in your learning. Curiosity will help you to ask new questions and seek out new ideas. Flexibility will help with paper to be willing to change your mind, learn from your mistakes, and adapt your thinking. Both of these traits will help you to stay open-minded and see new possibilities in your learning. When you’re curious and flexible, you’ll feel the excitement of discovery. You’ll also learn that you don’t have to have all the answers, and that failure is OK.

Stop thinking about learning as work

When you stop thinking about learning as work, you’re doing it right. Learning should be a non-stop process in which you make mistakes, mess up, and make mistakes again. Learning is messy. It’s not something that is finished and perfect right away. It’s something that requires persistence and perseverance—something we all have to work hard for. That’s why we need to stop thinking about learning as work. Learning is a journey. It’s not a destination. It’s something that you do as a person. And, like any journey, it’s full of ups and downs, and unexpected twists and turns. That’s why you need to stop thinking about learning as work.


When you change the way you think about learning, you’ll begin to see it for what it really is. You won’t see it as something that is difficult or that is going to take up a lot of time. You’ll see it as something that is full of potential, something that is empowering and something that is a source of fun. Learning is something that is non-stop and can bring you endless opportunities. Learning is something that is flexible and can be applied in any field or walk of life. Learning is something that is creative and can be applied in any way, shape, or form. Learning is something that is exciting and can be applied in any situation.