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The REAL classic is of course the Narcissist Male/Borderline Female couple. This is VERY common. Such couples can stay together for years building what amounts to a mutual hostage situation. In these cases, both individuals are far too sick to realize they’re in a bad situation, because they’re both getting the toxic emotional ‘supply’ they need out of it. A good four or five years in such a relationship will ruin just about anyone – even ‘normal’ people.

Aside from all this, as a heterosexual male, I have a rule: PORN SEX right out of the gate is a BAD, BAD SIGN. Why? Relatively speaking, it takes a normal person TIME to get to a sexual comfort level with someone else. Porn Sex the first or second time out is always, ALWAYS a sign that the other person uses sex for ‘some other reason.’ To alleviate feelings of abandonment; to ‘self-medicate’ or treat her emotional dysregulation; as a tool to ‘hook’ people into quick and toxic emotional attachments . . . etc, etc.

Therefore . . . immediate PORN SEX = C R A Z Y. It does not equal ‘free’ or ‘independent’ or ‘self-actualized’ or whatever. It means that the person in question uses sex to manipulate and/or self-medicate (usually both), which is ALWAYS sign of bad ju-ju. So, if you get Porn Sex the first time out, enjoy it, and then RUN AWAY. But I tell you . . . good luck running away after that first time, because the CRAZIES are usually great at leaving you wanting MORE. Why? Because THAT’S ALL THEY HAVE TO OFFER and they’ve had a lot of practice doing it. They’ve spent years sharpening that knife – and they always use it.

Some pointers for men:

- Is she wearing a pleather Naughty-Nurse outfit the second time you show up at her house? RUN AWAY.
- Is she willing to do things you’ve only read about the first time you have sex? RUN AWAY.
- Does she dump her entire sexual history on you very early in your relationship? On the flipside, is she very withheld about her sexual history? In either case, RUN AWAY.
- Does she tell you very early on that sex with you is the ‘Best sex she’s ever had?’ This is IDEALIZATION behavior, a classic characteristic of Borderline Personality Disorder. The ‘I hate you’ behavior is soon to follow. RUN THE FUCK AWAY AND DON’T LOOK BACK. These women ruin lives.
- Does she have few long-term friends? No long-term friends? If not, this means that no one can stand to be around her and sex is the only way she knows how to form a relationship. She is, quite literally, an emotional prostitute, so you should RUN AWAY.

Or maybe you think they just suddenly got great at sex because of YOU.
In which case . . . you’re deluded. Good luck with that.

Now let’s hear it from the women. How do you spot an offical Narcissistic Asshole? What do you do about it? What are the tell-tale signs? This is a two-way street here. Let’s trade information!!
  because the CRAZIES are usually great at leaving you wanting MORE. Why? Because THAT’S ALL THEY HAVE TO OFFER and they’ve had a lot of practice doing it. They’ve spent years sharpening that knife – and they always use it. Some pointers for men: - Is she wearing a pleather Naughty-Nurse outfit the second time you show up at her house? RUN AWAY. - Is she willing to do things you’ve only read about the first time you have sex? RUN AWAY. - Does she dump her entire sexual history on you very early in your relationship? On the flipside  so you should RUN AWAY. Or maybe you think they just suddenly got great at sex because of YOU. In which case . . . you’re deluded. Good luck with that. Now let’s hear it from the women. How do you spot an offical Narcissistic Asshole? What do you do about it? What are the tell-tale signs? This is a two-way street here. Let’s trade information!! Park view city islamabad