Five Nights at Freddy's - A great horror game that you shouldn't miss
If you like scary games, Five Nights at Freddy's is a must-try. Animatronic animals that entertain children during the day take on a completely other demeanor at night. Their programming instructs them to keep an eye out for intruders and to react angrily if they see someone entering the diner after hours.
When it's dark, you are a night guard who has to stay in the security office and keep the animatronics from coming in. The difficulty is that since your face is unfamiliar to them, the animatronics see you as a threat. The animals also wander the facility at random, and they may come inside your booth at any point throughout the day or night. What will happen if they succeed? No way.
You can only use a very small amount of electricity at night. That means there will be no security doors or lights when the power goes out at night. If you don't do anything, you'll be in a passive state, which is very bad. Therefore, switch on lights only when absolutely required! - OkiCom
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