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​Infamous: Second Son's Protesters Are Terrible At Protesting
It can't be easy, being an innocent civilian in the world of Infamous: Second Son. The government has put your city on lockdown, everyone's suspected of terrorism, and a guy with superpowers just blew up your car. It's enough to make you want to take to the streets and protest.
That's just what a group of Seattle residents are doing in the game—they've formed a few small groups, made some signs, and started street rallies to voice their disapproval. They've also written some chants, to let the world know why they're protesting.
It's never really addressed what these people hope to accomplish by endlessly standing out in the mostly deserted streets chanting, but I guess that's not really the point—there were protesters in past Infamous games, and there are protesters in this one, dang it!
In the game, players who choose the "evil" morality path can attack protesters to earn evil karma and further their descent into super-villainhood. I'm playing the good path, so I mostly just ignore them.
Still, every time I go zooming by a gaggle of protesters, I hear some chant or another. Even in passing, the chants sounded convoluted and weird. Eventually I decided to stop and really listen to what they were saying. I found a strange and surprisingly varied collection of perfectly rehearsed, consistently awful chants.
I wrote out all the ones I've heard and have included a couple of videos of the chants in question that you can watch, if you want. There is something special about hearing these clunkers performed by actual people.
Bio-Terrorists, it's them or us!
Bio-terrorists, it's them or us!
Put bio-terrorists in their place!
Six pieds sous terre!
Just say no / to narcotics!
Just say no / to narcotics!
Stone the stoners!
Stone the Stoners!
Drugs are for thugs! Drugs are for thugs!
Mutants wanna kill you, beat 'em to the punch!
Mutants wanna kill you, beat 'em to the punch!
Superpowers, the death of us all!
Superpowers, the death of us all!
Send the scum / to kingdom come!
Send the scum / to kingdom come!
Smoke: yes! Toke: no!
Smoke: yes! Toke: no!
Bio-terrorism's anti-American!
Bio-terrorism's anti-American!
Trust the DUPs, not the Bio-Ts!
Trust the DUPs, not the Bio-Ts!
Addicts and mutants, kill two birds with one stone!
Addicts and mutants, kill two birds with one stone!
Drug youth is wasted youth!
Drug youth is wasted youth!
Drugs and bio-terrorists, they both kill!
Drugs and bio-terrorists, they both kill!
De quoi as-tu peur? Faire tester!
De quoi as-tu peur? Faire tester!
Better dead than a pothead!
Better dead than a pothead!
See a dealer? Be a squealer!
See a dealer? Be a squealer!
Pot is the gateway to bio-terrorism!
Pot is the gateway to bio-terrorism!
I'm aware that I'm over-analyzing a relatively tiny detail in a very large game. But I love this kind of stuff, and think that when games get details like these right, it can be a lot of fun. And heck, even when they get them wrong, it's still a good time.
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Maybe one day, these protesters will get what they want: A shining, perfect Seattle, free from the blight of superpowers, where everyone gets along and absolutely no one smokes pot. Jamais. Under threat of death.