How to Write a Cold War Thesis Statement

If you're unsure about how to start your cold war thesis statement, here are some tips. First, choose a topic that interests you. Make sure that it has a central focus on the theme of your essay. Alternatively, you can use a hook phrase to keep the reader reading. Then, do a thorough research on the topic. It may even help to make an outline first. Here are some tips to help you write a strong thesis statement:

During the Cold War, the two sides of the conflict had different reasons for wanting to establish dominance. The Soviet Union wanted to spread its communist ideology throughout the world, which alarmed Americans who were devoted to democracy. The Soviets feared that the United States would attack them. Both countries also had differing political ideologies, and the US President was highly critical of Stalin. As such, the conflict was inevitable. And with it came the fear of bipolarity.

The conflict between the United States and the Soviet Union was triggered by two factors: economic and political differences. The United States favored free trade around the world, while the Soviet Union aimed to protect its sphere from global commerce As a result, both sides developed ill feelings towards one another. The two countries were also divided over the fate of the European continent, and the Soviet Union eventually managed to enslave most of Eastern Europe.

The atomic bomb also marked the beginning of the Cold War. Without it, we wouldn't be facing the same threats. Advances in weaponry would have been less destructive, but there was still a chance that we'd have another nuclear war. And if the United States had waited for a little longer, it would have had a more peaceful existence. It would have ended sooner or later, but the consequences are far-reaching.

The American spirit was tense during the Cold War. Fear of the Soviet Union and Communists was sweeping the country, and it diverted the nation's attention from the savage conflict in Asia. After all, the Korean War began in 1950, and despite the limited American war effort, the pro-communists were not defeated by the American and UN forces. However, the Soviets did take over their military in 1989, so the Cold War didn't end until the 1990s.

When China became a communist in 1949, the Soviet Union was quick to help. However, China was not a member of the UN, so the Soviets stopped giving it aid and advisors. Instead, it chose to become part of the Soviet sphere of influence. As a result, the Communist world almost doubled in size. It is no surprise that the United States didn't play an important role in the Cold War, but both countries still stood for different values.

During the Cold War, the two superpowers developed a number of weaponry. The first, the Cuban missile crisis, brought both to the brink of war. Eventually, both sides agreed to withdraw their missiles. Ultimately, this resulted in a treaty banning above-ground nuclear weapons testing. This treaty prevented the Soviets from testing their weapons. In addition, the Cuban missile crisis hardened the resolve of the Soviet Union, which continued to build up its strategic and conventional forces until the United States had to match the Soviet buildup.

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